Tuesday 5 October 2010

I caught this double rainbow over fields whilst walking the dogs.
Even when rain is around there can be pleasure to be had!

Monday 24 May 2010

Down by the river

I caught one of our local herons in flight this morning down by the river at Reybridge. The weather has been very hot for May and the river is a popular spot to cool off not just for herons.
This meadow is part of an ancient flood plain, something that seems to be disappearing in modern Britain. In the winter and sometimes in summer after very heavy rain, the river bursts it's banks and floods right up to the cottages by the bridge.
When that happens the road is impassable for cars but a raised walkway allows walkers to get through.

Thursday 29 April 2010

Spring and Summer events at Lacock Abbey

The popular Lacock Scarecrow Trail is being held over the Bank Holiday weekend of 29th May 2010. This years theme is children's books.

Also coming up is an outdoor production of Shakespeare's 'The Merchant of Venice' at the Abbey. The Abbey provides a stunning backdrop and people usually go early and picnic on the lawns.

The National Trust holds a variety of really good events over the Spring and Summer and these can be found on the NT event section of their website.

Friday 15 January 2010

Snowtime in Lacock

It's been unusually cold and we've had quite a lot of snow for this part of the world. Just a short walk away is Reybridge which used to take all the traffic from London to Bath and Bristol. This is the medieval bridge that used to take the stagecoaches. We walk our dogs down here a lot - there's a great walk along the river bank.